
Fish "Dream"

picture - Fish "Dream"


picture - Fish "Dream"
  • 500 g fillet of any fish (my perch)
  • 150 g of cheese
  • 300 g tomatoes
  • 5 tablespoons tomato paste or ketchup
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • herbs to taste
  • salt
  • pepper


picture - Fish "Dream"Cut the fish into small pieces.

picture - Fish "Dream"Tomatoes, cut into thin slices.

picture - Fish "Dream"Finely chop the garlic.

picture - Fish "Dream"Cheese grate.

picture - Fish "Dream"Chop the greens.

picture - Fish "Dream"At the bottom of the form to put fillets, salt and pepper.

picture - Fish "Dream"Fillets put tomatoes.

picture - Fish "Dream"Tomatoes put garlic.
Season with salt and pepper.

picture - Fish "Dream"Lubricate ketchup.

picture - Fish "Dream"Sprinkle with cheese.
Put in the oven.
Bake at 180 � C for 35-40 minutes.

picture - Fish "Dream"The finished dish sprinkle with herbs.

Bon Appetite!

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