» » Chicken soup with "stars"

Chicken soup with "stars"

picture - Chicken soup with "stars"
A rich, tasty soup.
Like adults and children.
Instead of "stars" can be used in the form of pasta shells or small pasta.
The amount of ingredients stated on the four-liter pot.


picture - Chicken soup with "stars"
  • 1 chicken (weighing about 1.5 kg)
  • 250g of pasta in the form of small stars
  • 500 g potatoes
  • 250 g of carrots
  • 150 g onion
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • pepper
  • ground pepper
  • salt
  • herbs to taste


picture - Chicken soup with "stars"Chicken wash, cut into pieces.

picture - Chicken soup with "stars"Put in a saucepan, cover with water, add salt, add pepper peas, cook until done.
Then, remove the chicken from the pan.

picture - Chicken soup with "stars"Finely chop the onion.

picture - Chicken soup with "stars"Carrots grate on medium grater.

picture - Chicken soup with "stars"Potatoes are cleaned, cut into cubes or cubes.

picture - Chicken soup with "stars"In the boiling broth to put the potatoes and cook for 10-15 minutes.

picture - Chicken soup with "stars"Then add the onions.

picture - Chicken soup with "stars"And carrots.

picture - Chicken soup with "stars"Next Post a "star", cook until done.

picture - Chicken soup with "stars"Five minutes until cooked add the bay leaf.

picture - Chicken soup with "stars"Ready soup pepper to taste, add the chicken pieces (you can separate the meat from the bones), sprinkle with finely chopped greens.

Bon Appetite!

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