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Protein cream (custard)

picture - Protein cream (custard)


picture - Protein cream (custard)
  • Sugar 200 g
  • 100 ml water
  • 4 protein


picture - Protein cream (custard)Sugar add water.

picture - Protein cream (custard)Cook over medium heat until the "sample in the soft ball" (I have syrup boiled, after boiling, 35 minutes).

picture - Protein cream (custard)To make a "test for soft ball" pour some syrup in cold water.

picture - Protein cream (custard)If the syrup is possible to form a ball, he is ready.

picture - Protein cream (custard)Proteins frothed (to whites whipped better, you can add a little salt).

picture - Protein cream (custard)In proteins pour a thin stream of hot (but not boiling) syrup.
Beat well (within 7-10 minutes).

Bon Appetite!

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