
Almond candy

picture - Almond candy
You can try instead of almonds to use other nuts (I haven't tried).
Instead of chicken protein, you can use protein from quail eggs.
The number of ingredients is obtained 12-14 candy.


picture - Almond candy
  • 150 g almonds
  • 100 g of powdered sugar (or sugar)
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • egg white


  • candied
  • chocolate


picture - Almond candyAlmonds clear. To make it easier to be cleaned, it should pour boiling water for 1-2 minutes, rinse and dry (paper towel).

picture - Almond candyPeeled almonds put in a blender.

picture - Almond candyTo grind.
If there is no blender, nuts can be patoloji.

picture - Almond candyThe almonds add the lemon juice.

picture - Almond candyAdd powdered sugar and part protein, to knead. If necessary, add more. Should get a lot from which you can form a ball.

picture - Almond candyMelt the chocolate in a water bath.

picture - Almond candyFrom the almond pulp to form balls the size of a walnut.
You can put them in paper molds (I used out of candy).

picture - Almond candyPour over the chocolate.

picture - Almond candyDecorate with candied fruit.
It is desirable to give the candy to dry for 3-4 hours at room temperature).

Bon appetit!

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