» » Chocolate truffles

Chocolate truffles

picture - Chocolate truffles
The amount of said ingredients is obtained 15-20 pieces.


picture - Chocolate truffles
  • 200 g of infant formula "Baby" or powdered milk
  • 50 g of cocoa
  • Sugar 250 g
  • Butter 200 g


picture - Chocolate trufflesIn a pan pour 100 ml of water.

picture - Chocolate trufflesAdd the sugar, bring to a boil.

picture - Chocolate trufflesAdd oil.

picture - Chocolate trufflesBoil over medium heat until the mixture starts to thicken (I have a process that took 30 minutes).

picture - Chocolate trufflesInfant formula (or milk) mixed with cocoa.

picture - Chocolate trufflesAdd sugar-oil mixture in small portions (as may be required only half the sugar-oil mixture).
Mix well.
The resulting mass should be loose, loose.

picture - Chocolate trufflesFrom the warm weight form balls the size of a walnut.

picture - Chocolate trufflesRoll the pellets in a mixture of cocoa and powdered sugar.
Truffles can also roll in chopped nuts or coconut.

Bon Appetite!

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