» » Chocolate cake with lemon cream

Chocolate cake with lemon cream

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon cream
Recipe for this wonderful cake shared with me Galina from Santiago de Chile, for which she thanks a lot!
Cake turns out delicious! Chocolate, with a slight bitterness, foundation and delicate filling, with a strong lemon scent. The combination of excellent!
If you really have a sweet tooth, cocoa in the dough, you can add less. Lemon juice can also be added to taste.
The amount of said ingredients is obtained 6-8 servings.


picture - Chocolate cake with lemon cream


  • 1 egg
  • 50g sugar
  • 70 g of butter
  • 20g cocoa
  • 30 g almonds
  • 100-150 g of flour


  • 4 eggs + 1 egg yolk
  • Sugar 150 g
  • 150 ml of cream (33-35%)
  • 2 lemons


  • chocolate or confectionery sprinkling


picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamChop almonds in a blender.

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamPreparing the dough.
Whip the egg with the sugar.

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamAdd butter and mix.

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamAdd the almonds and mix.

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamAdd cocoa mix.

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamAdd the flour, knead the dough.

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamPut the dough in a greased form (diameter of about 24-26 cm), smooth, make bumpers.

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamCover with cling film, put into the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamThe film was then removed, put the dough on the baking paper.

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamPour beans or peas (this is done so that the dough is not swollen and better propeklos, after baking beans or peas we do not need).
Put in a preheated 180 degree oven and bake for 15-20 minutes.

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamPrepare the filling.
With lemon zest removed (with a special knife or grate).

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamSqueeze the juice from lemons (just need about 100 ml of juice).

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamEgg yolk and whisk with sugar.

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamAdd the cream, whip.

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamAdd zest and lemon juice and mix.

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamPour the filling on the cooled cake (filling is not that thick, but after baking it thickens).
Put in a preheated 180 degree oven.
Bake for 40-45 minutes.

picture - Chocolate cake with lemon creamCake cool, decorate with grated chocolate or confectionery grit.

Bon Appetite!

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