» » Salad "Football"

Salad "Football"

picture - Salad "Football"


picture - Salad "Football"
  • 2 jars of canned tuna in oil (or saury, pink salmon) on 180 g
  • 400 g boiled potatoes
  • 350 g tomatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 stalk leek or onion 2 onions
  • salt
  • mayonnaise

for decoration:

  • 3 protein
  • black olives
  • greens


picture - Salad "Football"Fish mash with a fork (oil drain).

picture - Salad "Football"Dice tomatoes.

picture - Salad "Football"Potatoes are cleaned, cut into cubes.

picture - Salad "Football"Eggs grate.

picture - Salad "Football"Onion cut into half rings (Mince onions).

picture - Salad "Football"Mix fish, potatoes, tomatoes, eggs, onion, a little salt.

picture - Salad "Football"Mayonnaise.

picture - Salad "Football"Decorate the salad to taste. I have made in the form of a soccer ball.
Posted salad slide.
Proteins rubbed on a fine grater (yolks can be added to salad), olives finely crumbled.
Posted olives as pentagons (you can of olives cut strips, put them in the form of pentagons, and fill the finely chopped olives), the remaining space is filled proteins.
Mince herbs and posted around the ball.

Bon Appetite!

Views: 179