
Snack "Whelps"

Coming in 2012 - the year of the dragon. I offer you a snack "Whelps." Instead of red caviar can be used chopped salted salmon or trout. If you are unable to buy or Almette Philadelphia, you can use sour cream, but it should add quite a bit to the mass of the liquid has not turned out. If you do


These burgers can be taken on a picnic, on the road or just to cook for lunch. The number of ingredients is obtained 5-6 servings.Ingredients5-6 round buns300 g minced meatmilk1-2 tomatoes3-4 pickled cucumbercheese plasticsketchupthe leaves of green salad150 g onions10 tbsp. vinegar 6%15 tbsp

Tarts with cheese and tomatoes

A simple but effective way of presenting cheese salad. It is desirable to use a small tartlets. The number of ingredients is obtained about 25-30 tartlets.Ingredients150 g of cheese2 eggsthe tomatoes (or regular tomatoes)2-3 cloves of garlictartletssaltmayonnaisePreparation Cheese to grate. Eggs to


Aspic recipes there are so many. Someone is preparing his only beef, some pork or chicken. I suggest our favorite recipe. When cooking meat, it is important to boiling broth slightly. Meat should be used always with a bone. Serve with mustard jelly can or grated horseradish. The amount of said

Tartlets with liver mousse, quail eggs and cherry tomatoes

Tasty snacks! Mousse turns very, very gentle. Cherry and quail eggs complement the flavor and give the brightness of the tartlets. It is advisable to use small tartlets. Instead, you can use regular cherry tomatoes, cut into small pieces, too, instead of quail eggs, you can use chicken. The amount

Sandwiches "Snake"

The coming year - the year of the Snake. I offer you a simple, but the actual recipe. Even without a prescription, and a method of supplying a sandwich. The most important thing - to choose a ripe avocado (it should not be hard, but not too soft), and the rest is done quickly and easily. Instead of

Salad baskets of "Parmesan"

The original way of serving salad. I made a basket of Parmesan cheese, they turned out tender, tasty, well-kept form. From another cheese not tried it, but I think you can experiment. In the basket you can put any salad, but it was not very juicy. Fill baskets better before serving. The number of

Stuffed crab sticks

Stuffed crab sticks with a variety of fillings. I offer two options for toppings. The number of ingredients is obtained 6-7 servings.Ingredients240 g of crab sticks150 g canned pink salmon (or tuna)3 eggs3 tablespoons of boiled rice150 g onionsmayonnaisesaltpepperPreparation Onion mince. Pour

Cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers marinated quick

Quick and easy way to cook delicious vegetables. This snack is ideal served with mashed potatoes or fried potatoes. If you like spice, add 3 tbsp. of vinegar into each jar. The number of ingredients is obtained 3 bottles of 600 ml.Ingredients300 g cherry300 g of cucumbers300 g sweet pepper200 g

Squash caviar (not billet)

Tender, flavorful eggs. It can be spread on bread and serve the soup. It stores caviar in the refrigerator for about a week. The number of ingredients is obtained 500-600 ml.Ingredients1 kg zucchini (peeled need about 800 g)150 g carrots150 g onions2-3 cloves of garlic2 tbsp tomato paste (or

Stuffed baton

Simple, but impressive appetizer. The filling you can use any. Serve warm or hot. The number of ingredients is obtained 4-6 servings.Ingredientsbaton (weighing about 400 g)300 g minced meat200 g mushrooms200 g sweet pepper150 g onions100 g cheesesaltpeppervegetable oilPreparation Finely chop the

Tortillas stuffed with

Came the season of picnics. Offer snacks that you can take with you on the road to nature or to the country. Serve it can be as warm and cold. As a filling, you can use any salad. Bread sold in supermarkets. But if you are unable to buy them, then try to make them yourself: Homemade tortillas The

Cheese snack on chips

Since the chips are melted, I advise you to spread the filling just before serving, or stuffing to put in a salad bowl, put a number of chips. Guests, if desired, may themselves spread the filling on chips. Pastes may be prepared any, taste.Ingredients100 g of semi-hard cheese or300 g tomatoesherbs

Sandwiches "Surprise"

Great idea for Breakfast. The sandwiches are very tasty and filling. The number of ingredients is obtained 4-6 servings.Ingredients6 eggsbatonvegetable oilSauce:1 tsp. butter1 tsp. flour1 Cup beef broth100 g sour creamsaltPreparation Baton cut into 6 pieces, thickness 1-1.5 see From the middle to

Pancakes with mushrooms

Of course, the pancakes are good and without mushrooms, but with mushrooms they just fantastically tasty and fragrant. Serve them with sour cream. The number of ingredients is obtained 12-15 pieces.Ingredients700 g potatoes300 g mushrooms150 g onions1-2 tbsp. flour1 eggsaltpeppervegetable oil for

Jellied Eggs

This snack will decorate the table. It is not necessary to use the stuffing as specified in the recipe. Add, change, improve the filling to your taste. It is thus possible to prepare jelly, too, will be interesting. Particularly relevant are the eggs at Easter. The amount of said ingredients is

Stuffed eggs

Stuffed eggs - easy portioned snack. Stuffed them with a variety of fillings, I suggest fish. The number of ingredients is obtained 8 servings.Ingredients4 eggs (boiled)150 g fillet of salmon (salted)mayonnaiseherbs to tastePreparation Eggs cut lengthwise into two parts. The yolks removed. Yolks

Tomatoes with cheese and garlic

A delicious appetizer! Cooking options set (instead of tomatoes to use eggplant, stuffing add eggs and so on), but in our family caught this option. The number of ingredients is obtained 12-15 pieces.Ingredients350 g tomato100 g of cheese (solid or semisolid)2-3 cloves of garlicmayonnaiseherbs to

Cheese sticks

Gentle, nourishing sticks. Before frying, you can roll them in breadcrumbs, and flour. The number of ingredients is obtained 10-15 sticks.Ingredients200 g cottage cheese (5-15%)200 g of cheese (hard)2 eggsherbs to taste2 cloves of garlicbreadcrumbsvegetable oilPreparation Cheese to grate. Finely

Hot sandwiches with ham, tomatoes and eggs

These sandwiches - excellent breakfast. Also, you can take them on the road, at work or on a picnic. The amount of said ingredients is obtained 6 servings.Ingredients6 sandwiches we need:6 slices of ham (sausage, sturgeon, etc.)12 slices of bread150 g tomatoes12 or 6 quail