» » Pink salmon with prawns on skewers

Pink salmon with prawns on skewers

picture - Pink salmon with prawns on skewers


picture - Pink salmon with prawns on skewers
  • 200 g fillet of pink salmon
  • 100 g cooked peeled shrimp
  • 1 egg
  • breadcrumbs
  • salt
  • vegetable fat
  • lemon


picture - Pink salmon with prawns on skewersPink salmon cut into small cubes.

picture - Pink salmon with prawns on skewersWhip the egg, salt, dip slices of pink salmon.

picture - Pink salmon with prawns on skewersThen roll them in breadcrumbs.

picture - Pink salmon with prawns on skewersFry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

picture - Pink salmon with prawns on skewersStrung on skewers alternating pieces of pink salmon and shrimp.
Sprinkle with lemon juice.

Bon Appetite!

Views: 161