» » Meat, baked cranberry sauce

Meat, baked cranberry sauce

picture - Meat, baked cranberry sauce


picture - Meat, baked cranberry sauce
  • 500 g pork (or chicken, Turkey)
  • 300 g of cranberries
  • 1 orange
  • 2 tbsp. honey
  • salt


picture - Meat, baked cranberry sauceWith orange to remove the zest.

picture - Meat, baked cranberry sauceSqueeze the juice (just need about 100 ml).

picture - Meat, baked cranberry sauceIn a blender put the cranberries, honey.

picture - Meat, baked cranberry sauceAdd the juice.

picture - Meat, baked cranberry sauceTo grind.
If there is no blender, can all be patoloji.

picture - Meat, baked cranberry sauceAdd the zest and mix.

picture - Meat, baked cranberry sauceIn the form, put half of the sauce.

picture - Meat, baked cranberry saucePut meat, cut into thick slices about 1 cm, a little salt.

picture - Meat, baked cranberry sauceTo the meat add remaining sauce.
Put in the oven.
Bake at 180 degrees for one hour.

Bon appetit!

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