» » Zrazy (meatballs with egg filling)

Zrazy (meatballs with egg filling)

picture - Zrazy (meatballs with egg filling)
Instead of egg toppings you can use fried mushrooms.
Garnish perfect mashed potatoes.
The number of ingredients is obtained 8 cutlets.


picture - Zrazy (meatballs with egg filling)
  • 500 g minced meat (any taste)
  • 4 boiled eggs
  • 200 g onions
  • 100 g of bread
  • 200 ml milk
  • salt
  • pepper
  • vegetable oil


picture - Zrazy (meatballs with egg filling)Onion mince.

picture - Zrazy (meatballs with egg filling)Eggs finely chopped.

picture - Zrazy (meatballs with egg filling)Onions fry in vegetable oil until Golden brown.

picture - Zrazy (meatballs with egg filling)Mix onions and eggs, season with salt to taste.

picture - Zrazy (meatballs with egg filling)Bread soaked in milk.

picture - Zrazy (meatballs with egg filling)Mix the minced meat and the bread (the bread a little squeeze), salt and pepper.

picture - Zrazy (meatballs with egg filling)From stuffing to form laesecke.

picture - Zrazy (meatballs with egg filling)In the center of each laesecke put egg-and-onion stuffing (if the meat is dry, you can put a piece of butter).

picture - Zrazy (meatballs with egg filling)Wrap the filling and form a Patty.

picture - Zrazy (meatballs with egg filling)Put the patties on a greased baking sheet, place in the oven.
Cook at 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes.
Also zrazy you can fry in a pan with vegetable oil.

Bon appetit!

Views: 103