» » Burgers with cheese filling

Burgers with cheese filling

picture - Burgers with cheese filling


picture - Burgers with cheese filling
  • 500 g minced meat
  • 150 g bread
  • milk
  • 100 g of cheese (hard)
  • the breading for meat or bread crumbs
  • salt
  • pepper
  • vegetable oil


picture - Burgers with cheese fillingBread soaked in milk.

picture - Burgers with cheese fillingMix the minced meat and the bread (the bread a little squeeze), salt and pepper.

picture - Burgers with cheese fillingCut the cheese into small cubes.

picture - Burgers with cheese fillingFrom stuffing to form laesecke.

picture - Burgers with cheese fillingIn the center put the cheese.

picture - Burgers with cheese fillingTo form a Patty.

picture - Burgers with cheese fillingRoll in breadcrumbs.

picture - Burgers with cheese fillingFry in vegetable oil on both sides until cooked (about 7-9 minutes on each side, on medium heat). For garnish you can apply mashed potatoes.

Bon appetit!

Views: 157