» » Ice cream with ricotta and apricots

Ice cream with ricotta and apricots

picture - Ice cream with ricotta and apricots
Ricotta - a cream cheese. Can be used instead Philadelphia, Mascarpone, Buko, Almette etc.
If you are unable to buy a similar cheese, soft cheese can be used, which must be rubbed through a sieve.
Instead, you can use any of apricots, fresh or canned fruits and berries.
The amount of said ingredients is obtained 8-10 servings.


picture - Ice cream with ricotta and apricots
  • 250g ricotta
  • 250 ml cream 33-35%
  • 2 egg yolks
  • Sugar 100 g
  • 200 g apricots, pitted


picture - Ice cream with ricotta and apricotsApricots cut into cubes.

picture - Ice cream with ricotta and apricotsSugar rub with egg yolks (incandescent).

picture - Ice cream with ricotta and apricotsAdd the ricotta and mix.

picture - Ice cream with ricotta and apricotsWhip cream.

picture - Ice cream with ricotta and apricotsAdd the cream to the curd and mix.

picture - Ice cream with ricotta and apricotsAdd apricots and mix.

picture - Ice cream with ricotta and apricotsMass put into molds (suit absolutely any molds, which can be frozen).
Put in the freezer for 5-6 hours (preferably overnight).

Bon Appetite!

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