» » Chocolate mousse on semolina

Chocolate mousse on semolina

picture - Chocolate mousse on semolina


picture - Chocolate mousse on semolina
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 100 g of chocolate (or bitter milk - to taste)
  • 100 g semolina
  • Sugar 150 g
  • 2 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 1 tbsp butter


picture - Chocolate mousse on semolinaMilk boil.

picture - Chocolate mousse on semolinaAdd the chocolate, stir well to dissolve it.

picture - Chocolate mousse on semolinaIn the boiling milk with chocolate in a thin stream, stirring constantly, sleep semolina.

picture - Chocolate mousse on semolinaWe should add the sugar and vanilla sugar.
Cook over medium heat until thick (about 5-7 minutes).

picture - Chocolate mousse on semolinaA lot of cool.
Add oil.

picture - Chocolate mousse on semolinaBeat well.

picture - Chocolate mousse on semolinaArrange the mousse on formochkam or kremanki and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.
Ready mousse can sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Bon Appetite!

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