» » Chocolate chip cookies

Chocolate chip cookies

picture - Chocolate chip cookies


picture - Chocolate chip cookies
  • 150 g sugar
  • 200 g butter or margarine
  • 2 tsp. vanilla sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp. cocoa
  • 300-350 g flour
  • 1 tsp. baking powder (or 0.5 teaspoon of hydrated soda)
  • 100 g chocolate


picture - Chocolate chip cookiesOil to mix with sugar and vanilla sugar.

picture - Chocolate chip cookiesAdd the egg, stir.

picture - Chocolate chip cookiesAdd cocoa, stir.

picture - Chocolate chip cookiesAdd baking powder, flour, knead the dough.

picture - Chocolate chip cookiesRoll out the dough, cut out different shapes.

picture - Chocolate chip cookiesThe pan should cover with baking paper or grease with oil, put the figures, place in a preheated 180 degree oven.
Bake for 20 minutes.
On a water bath to melt the chocolate. Using a pastry syringe decorate with chocolate ready biscuits.

Bon appetit!

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