» » Dessert "Chocolate"

Dessert "Chocolate"

picture - Dessert "Chocolate"
The amount of said ingredients is obtained 5 servings.


picture - Dessert "Chocolate"
  • 200 g of chocolate
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 500ml milk
  • 200 ml cream 33-35%
  • 50g sugar
  • 1 tsp gelatin


picture - Dessert "Chocolate"Gelatin in 50 ml of cold boiled water and leave for 1 hour.

picture - Dessert "Chocolate"Yolks with sugar.

picture - Dessert "Chocolate"Milk put on the fire, add the chocolate.
Heat up to complete dissolution of the chocolate.

picture - Dessert "Chocolate"Add the egg yolks and mix.

picture - Dessert "Chocolate"Add gelatin, stir, bring to a boil (but do not boil), remove from heat. Cool.

picture - Dessert "Chocolate"Whip cream.

picture - Dessert "Chocolate"Stir in the chocolate mass with cream.

picture - Dessert "Chocolate"Pour into ice-cream bowls, place in refrigerator for 5-6 hours.
Ready dessert you can sprinkle with grated chocolate on a fine grater.

Bon Appetite!

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