» » Salad "Obzhorka"

Salad "Obzhorka"

picture - Salad "Obzhorka"
This salad can be done in batches, and can be in a salad bowl.


picture - Salad "Obzhorka"
  • 400 g mushrooms
  • 300 g smoked chicken
  • 150 g Korean carrot
  • 150 g pitted prunes
  • 300 g of cucumber
  • vegetable fat
  • salt
  • pepper
  • mayonnaise


picture - Salad "Obzhorka"Finely chop the mushrooms.

picture - Salad "Obzhorka"Fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil until until all the liquid has evaporated.

picture - Salad "Obzhorka"Fillet cut into cubes.

picture - Salad "Obzhorka"Cucumbers cut into cubes.

picture - Salad "Obzhorka"Carrots are a little chop.

picture - Salad "Obzhorka"Finely chop the prunes.

picture - Salad "Obzhorka"At the bottom of the salad bowl put the mushrooms, salt and pepper, brush with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

picture - Salad "Obzhorka"Fillets put on mushrooms, brush a thin layer of mayonnaise.

picture - Salad "Obzhorka"Fillets put carrots, spread a thin layer of mayonnaise.

picture - Salad "Obzhorka"Carrot lay prunes, Apply a thin layer of mayonnaise.

picture - Salad "Obzhorka"Prunes put cucumbers, again lubricated with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

picture - Salad "Obzhorka"The layers were then repeated.

Bon Appetite!

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