» » Beef stir fried with lemon and orange

Beef stir fried with lemon and orange

picture - Beef stir fried with lemon and orange


picture - Beef stir fried with lemon and orange
  • 500 g of beef
  • 1 lemon (180 g)
  • 1 orange (200 g)
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • salt
  • pepper
  • vegetable fat


picture - Beef stir fried with lemon and orangeWith lemon and orange peel to remove.

picture - Beef stir fried with lemon and orangeLemon and squeeze the juice of an orange.

picture - Beef stir fried with lemon and orangeThe meat cut into small pieces, beat off, salt and pepper.

picture - Beef stir fried with lemon and orangePour over the meat with lemon juice and orange.

picture - Beef stir fried with lemon and orangeAdd squeezed through garlic chesnokodavku. Leave on for 30-40 minutes.

picture - Beef stir fried with lemon and orangeFry in vegetable oil on both sides.

picture - Beef stir fried with lemon and orangeAdd zest, fry under the lid for 25-30 minutes.

Bon Appetite!

Views: 63