» » Ice cream "Lemon"

Ice cream "Lemon"

picture - Ice cream "Lemon"
I bring to your attention a very popular and very simple recipe for ice cream.
Optionally, it can be made with berries, nuts, chocolate.
I like most about this ice cream with lemon juice.
As a child, for lack of a cream I used 33% less fat cream. Ice cream turned out not so good.


picture - Ice cream "Lemon"
  • 500 ml cream 33-35%
  • 1 jar of condensed milk (380 g)
  • 1 lemon


picture - Ice cream "Lemon"Squeezed lemon juice (total requires about 50 mL).

picture - Ice cream "Lemon"Whip cream.
Beating should stop as soon as the cream will thicken. It is important not perevzbit cream, ice cream or else get fat.

picture - Ice cream "Lemon"In cream add condensed milk and mix.

picture - Ice cream "Lemon"Add lemon juice and mix.

picture - Ice cream "Lemon"The mass was poured into a mold, which can freeze.
Put in the freezer.
After 2 hours to get ice cream and mix (or whisk with a fork), put in the freezer until completely frozen (6-8 hours).

Bon Appetite!

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