» » Pancakes with fruit, berries, ice cream and chocolate

Pancakes with fruit, berries, ice cream and chocolate

picture - Pancakes with fruit, berries, ice cream and chocolate


picture - Pancakes with fruit, berries, ice cream and chocolate
  • pancakes (prescription Pancakes or Pancakes yeast)
  • chocolate
  • ice cream
  • any fruit and berries


picture - Pancakes with fruit, berries, ice cream and chocolateMelt chocolate in a water bath.

picture - Pancakes with fruit, berries, ice cream and chocolateFruit (I used kiwi) cut into small pieces.

picture - Pancakes with fruit, berries, ice cream and chocolatePancakes on a plate, pour the chocolate.
Nearby lay out fruit, berries and balls of ice cream (ice cream, too, can be poured chocolate).

Bon Appetite!

Views: 125