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Mayonnaise "Home"

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If you have never made homemade mayonnaise, be sure to try, the result will make you happy.
The main thing is not to hurry up and do everything according to instructions.
An important point - All used products should be at room temperature.
In recipes use only the yolks of proteins can be prepared "Meringue".
Before separating the yolks from the whites, wash eggs, preferably with baking soda.
Store the finished mayonnaise in the refrigerator, use within 5-7 days.
The amount of said ingredients is obtained 200 g of mayonnaise.


picture - Mayonnaise "Home"
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 150 ml vegetable oil (I use olive oil)
  • 1 tsp Mustard (paste)
  • 5 tsp lemon juice
  • 0.5 tsp sugar
  • 0.5 tsp salt


picture - Mayonnaise "Home"Whip the egg yolks with mustard, sugar and salt.

picture - Mayonnaise "Home"Gently, just a teaspoon, add the oil while continuing to whisk.

picture - Mayonnaise "Home"When the mass is smooth, we can safely add all the oil, beat well.
Add lemon juice, a lot of beat up again.
If mayonnaise seems too thick, add a bit of cold boiled water.

Bon Appetite!

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